Here’s a curated collection of 10 poems by Li Bai (李白), 20 famous sayings, and their French translations, along with inspirational shirt bios inspired by his wisdom and verses.
10 Poems by Li Bai
- 《静夜思》 “Quiet Night Thoughts”
French Translation:
Devant mon lit, la lune brille claire, comme du givre sur le sol.
Je lève les yeux vers la lune, baissant la tête, pensant à ma patrie.
- 《将进酒》 “Bring in the Wine”
French Translation:
Voyez-vous les eaux jaunes du Fleuve Jaune qui viennent du ciel, Se précipitant vers la mer sans jamais revenir?
Profitez pleinement de la vie quand vous êtes heureux, Ne laissez pas le verre doré face à la lune vide.
- 《蜀道难》 “The Difficulty of the Shu Roads”
French Translation:
Oh là là! Si haut et si dangereux! La route du Shu est difficile, plus difficile que d’escalader le ciel!
- 《离骚》 “Farewell to the Goddesses on the Mountain”
French Translation:
Je suis un fou des pays de Chu, Je ris des chants du Phénix et de Confucius.
- 《望庐山瀑布》 “Viewing the Waterfall at Luoshan”
French Translation:
Le soleil illumine le bain de vapeur violet du mont Xiangluo, Au loin, la cascade pend au-dessus de la rivière.
- 《早发白帝城》 “Early Departure from the White Emperor City”
French Translation:
Départ matinal du palais impérial de Baidi parmi les nuages colorés, Mille li jusqu’à Jiangling, revient en un jour.
- 《长干行》 “Song of the Longkan”
French Translation:
Le jeune homme chevauche un bambou, tourne autour du lit, jouant avec le prunier vert.
- 《赠汪伦》 “To Wang Lun”
French Translation:
Les eaux du bassin de Peach Blossom sont mille pieds profondes, Mais elles ne peuvent égaler l’amitié de Wang Lun qui m’a accompagné.
- 《琵琶行》 “A Song of the Pipa”
French Translation:
Les grosses cordes bourdonnent comme une pluie battante, Les petites cordes murmurent comme un secret partagé.
- 《春夜洛城闻笛》 “Spring Night in Luoyang Hearing a Flute”
French Translation:
D’une maison, une flûte de jade joue discrètement— Son son se répand dans le vent printanier, remplissant toute la ville de Luoyang.
20 Sayings by Li Bai
- “天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。”
“Heaven gave me talent for a purpose; even if I lose a thousand gold coins, they’ll return.”
Bio: Confident in your worth, as Li Bai believed—success and wealth are cyclical.
- “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。”
“One day the wind will lift the sails, and we’ll cross the vast sea.”
Bio: Persevere through storms—opportunity lies ahead.
- “抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。”
“Hew water with a knife, yet it flows stronger; raise a cup to drown sorrow, yet it grows.”
Bio: Resist futile struggles—直面 challenges head-on.
- “举杯邀明月,对影成三人。”
“Invite the moon to drink with me—we three become companions.”
Bio: Find solace in solitude and creativity.
- “安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜!”
“How can I bow my head to power and wealth, denying my true smile?”
Bio: Stay true to yourself, even in adversity.
- “花有重开日,人无再少年。”
“Flowers bloom again, but youth never returns.”
Bio: Live fiercely—time waits for no one.
- “天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。”
“Heaven gave me talent for a purpose; even if I lose a thousand gold coins, they’ll return.”
Bio: Believe in your potential—fortune cycles.
- “闲来垂钓碧溪上,忽复乘舟梦日边。”
“Idle, I fish in the green stream; suddenly, I dream of sailing toward the sun.”
Bio: Balance tranquility with ambition.
- “孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。”
“The lone sail disappears into the blue sky; only the Yangtze River flows endlessly.”
Bio: Let go of the past—focus on the journey.
- “人生在世不称意,明朝散发弄扁舟。”
“If life is unfair, tomorrow I’ll let my hair flow free and row a boat alone.”
Bio: Embrace freedom when life feels unyielding.
- “好为庐山谣,兴因庐山发。”
“I love composing songs for Mount Lu; my inspiration springs from its peaks.”
Bio: Find your muse in nature.
- “大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里。”
“The giant bird soars with the wind one day, rising ninety thousand miles.”
Bio: Dream big—ambition knows no bounds.
- “众鸟高飞尽,孤云独去闲。”
“All birds fly high and vanish; the lone cloud drifts lazily.”
Bio: Value solitude—it fosters clarity.
- “桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。”
“Peach Blossom Pool’s waters are a thousand feet deep, But they cannot match Wang Lun’s friendship for me.”
Bio: True bonds transcend superficial measures.
- “青天有月来几时?我今停杯一问之。”
“Since when has the blue sky had the moon? I’ll raise my cup and ask.”
Bio: Question the world with curiosity and wonder.
- “夜泊牛渚怀古》 “Gazing at the Ancients While Moored at Night by Ox Bend”
“Tomorrow I’ll set sail; maple leaves fall in showers.”
Bio: Harmony with nature’s rhythm.
- “若耶溪傍采莲女,笑隔荷花共人语。”
“By the Ruoye Creek, lotus-picking women laugh, Their voices mingle with the荷花 (lotuses).”
Bio: Find joy in simplicity and connection.
- “黄金白璧买歌笑,一醉累月轻王侯。”
“Buy laughter with gold and jade; drunk for months, I scorn kings and nobles.”
Bio: Prioritize experiences over status.
- “行路难,行路难!多歧路,今安在?”
“The road is hard, the road is hard! Many paths ahead—where does true peace lie?”
Bio: Question your path, but keep moving.
- **“且放白鹿青崖间,须行即骑访…