Here is a collection of 50 quotes by Chinua Achebe, the renowned Nigerian author, along with translations in French, Portuguese, and Dutch.
50 Quotes by Chinua Achebe with Translations
- English: “Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.”
French: “Jusqu’à ce que les lions aient leurs propres historiens, l’histoire de la chasse glorifiera toujours le chasseur.”
Portuguese: “Até que os leões tenham seus próprios historiadores, a história da caça sempre glorificará o caçador.”
Dutch: “Totdat de leeuwen hun eigen geschiedschrijvers hebben, zal de geschiedenis van de jacht altijd de jager verheerlijken.”
- English: “If you don’t like someone’s story, write your own.”
French: “Si vous n’aimez pas l’histoire de quelqu’un, écrivez la vôtre.”
Portuguese: “Se você não gosta da história de alguém, escreva a sua própria.”
Dutch: “Als je iemands verhaal niet leuk vindt, schrijf dan je eigen verhaal.”
- English: “The world is like a Mask dancing. If you want to see it well, you do not stand in one place.”
French: “Le monde est comme un masque qui danse. Si vous voulez bien le voir, ne restez pas à une seule place.”
Portuguese: “O mundo é como uma máscara dançante. Se você quiser vê-lo bem, não fique em um só lugar.”
Dutch: “De wereld is als een dansend masker. Als je het goed wilt zien, blijf dan niet op één plek staan.”
- English: “A man who calls his kinsmen to a feast does not do so to save them from starving.”
French: “Un homme qui invite ses parents à un festin ne le fait pas pour les sauver de la famine.”
Portuguese: “Um homem que convida seus parentes para um banquete não o faz para salvá-los da fome.”
Dutch: “Een man die zijn verwanten uitnodigt voor een feestmaal, doet dat niet om hen van de hongerdood te redden.”
- English: “Charity is the opium of the privileged.”
French: “La charité est l’opium des privilégiés.”
Portuguese: “A caridade é o ópio dos privilegiados.”
Dutch: “Liefdadigheid is het opium van de bevoorrechten.”
- English: “Nobody can teach me who I am.”
French: “Personne ne peut m’apprendre qui je suis.”
Portuguese: “Ninguém pode me ensinar quem eu sou.”
Dutch: “Niemand kan me leren wie ik ben.”
- English: “The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion.”
French: “L’homme blanc est très rusé. Il est venu tranquillement et pacifiquement avec sa religion.”
Portuguese: “O homem branco é muito astuto. Ele veio quieto e pacificamente com sua religião.”
Dutch: “De blanke man is erg slim. Hij kwam rustig en vreedzaam met zijn religie.”
- English: “A man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness.”
French: “Un homme qui rend hommage aux grands ouvre la voie à sa propre grandeur.”
Portuguese: “Um homem que presta respeito aos grandes abre o caminho para sua própria grandeza.”
Dutch: “Een man die respect toont aan de groten, baant de weg voor zijn eigen grootheid.”
- English: “The impatient idealist says: ‘Give me a place to stand and I shall move the earth.'”
French: “L’idéaliste impatient dit : ‘Donnez-moi un endroit où me tenir et je déplacerai la terre.'”
Portuguese: “O idealista impaciente diz: ‘Dê-me um lugar para ficar e eu moverei a terra.'”
Dutch: “De ongeduldige idealist zegt: ‘Geef me een plek om te staan en ik zal de aarde verplaatsen.'”
- English: “We cannot trample upon the humanity of others without devaluing our own.”
French: “Nous ne pouvons pas piétiner l’humanité des autres sans dévaloriser la nôtre.”
Portuguese: “Não podemos pisar na humanidade dos outros sem desvalorizar a nossa.”
Dutch: “We kunnen niet op de menselijkheid van anderen trappen zonder die van onszelf te devalueren.”
(Continued below with more quotes and a French poem…)