Caribbean Proverbs and Sayings

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The Caribbean is a treasure trove of wisdom passed down through generations. Here are ten proverbs and sayings from twenty different Caribbean islands. Each proverb is a reflection of the island’s unique culture and language.

1. Jamaica

  • Proverb: “Ef yu want good yu nose haffi run.”
  • Translation: If you want good, your nose has to run.
  • Meaning: Success requires hard work and sacrifice.

2. Trinidad and Tobago

  • Proverb: “De higher monkey climb, de more he show he tail.”
  • Translation: The higher the monkey climbs, the more he shows his tail.
  • Meaning: As people rise in status, their flaws become more visible.

3. Barbados

  • Proverb: “Cat luck ain’t dog luck.”
  • Translation: Cat luck isn’t dog luck.
  • Meaning: What works for one person may not work for another.

4. Haiti

  • Proverb: “Dèyè mòn gen mòn.”
  • Translation: Beyond mountains, there are mountains.
  • Meaning: Life is full of continuous challenges.

5. Bahamas

  • Proverb: “See me and come live with me is two different things.”
  • Meaning: Knowing someone casually is different from living with them and truly understanding them.

6. Puerto Rico

  • Proverb: “Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.”
  • Translation: The shrimp that falls asleep is carried away by the current.
  • Meaning: If you’re not alert, you’ll miss opportunities.

7. Dominican Republic

  • Proverb: “El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta.”
  • Translation: He who embraces too much, retains little.
  • Meaning: Trying to do too much at once can lead to failure.

8. Cuba

  • Proverb: “El ojo del amo engorda el caballo.”
  • Translation: The eye of the master fattens the horse.
  • Meaning: Things thrive under the watchful care of their owner.

9. Grenada

  • Proverb: “Monkey know which tree to climb.”
  • Meaning: People know how to navigate situations to their advantage.

10. Saint Lucia

  • Proverb: “Chennèt ka détwi kay.”
  • Translation: Ants can destroy a house.
  • Meaning: Small, persistent efforts can lead to significant outcomes.

11. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Proverb: “When cockroach get wings, he fly too high.”
  • Meaning: When someone gains power, they might overreach.

12. Antigua and Barbuda

  • Proverb: “Crab walk too much, lose him claw.”
  • Meaning: Overextending yourself can lead to trouble.

13. Saint Kitts and Nevis

  • Proverb: “Trouble don’t set like rain.”
  • Meaning: Trouble often comes unexpectedly.

14. Dominica

  • Proverb: “De crab dat walk too much, lose him claw.”
  • Meaning: Being overly ambitious can lead to loss.

15. Saint Martin

  • Proverb: “Petit a petit, l’oiseau fait son nid.”
  • Translation: Little by little, the bird makes its nest.
  • Meaning: Great things are achieved through small, consistent efforts.

16. Guadeloupe

  • Proverb: “Lè ou wè pié bwa ka mi, sé pa jòdi i ka mi.”
  • Translation: When you see the tree bearing fruit, it didn’t mature today.
  • Meaning: Success is the result of long-term effort.

17. Martinique

  • Proverb: “Tout bèf ka bay bwa.”
  • Translation: Every cow gives milk.
  • Meaning: Everyone has something valuable to offer.

18. Aruba

  • Proverb: “Kome ku un man, bebe ku dos.”
  • Translation: Eat with one hand, drink with two.
  • Meaning: Be cautious with indulgence and consumption.

19. Curacao

  • Proverb: “Awa grandi bou, pero ta bai poko poko.”
  • Translation: The big pot boils slowly.
  • Meaning: Patience is required for great things.

20. Saint Barthélemy

  • Proverb: “Plis i fòs, plis i ka kasé.”
  • Translation: The stronger it is, the more it can break.
  • Meaning: Even the strongest things can have vulnerabilities.

These proverbs encapsulate the wisdom, culture, and life lessons of the Caribbean people, offering insights that are both profound and practical.

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