La méditation calme le cœur

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The Dhammapada: 100 Verses with English and French Translations

Chapters 1-5

  1. English: “All phenomena arise from mind, are led by mind, and are created by mind.”
    French: “Tous les phénomènes naissent de l’esprit, sont dirigés par l’esprit et créés par l’esprit.” (1.1)
  2. English: “Those who speak truth, who have control over anger, and take delight in giving, are dear to the gods.”
    French: “Ceux qui parlent la vérité, qui ont contrôle sur la colère et prennent plaisir à donner, sont chers aux dieux.” (1.3)
  3. English: “Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love.”
    French: “La haine ne cesse pas par la haine, mais seulement par l’amour.” (1.5)
  4. English: “The mind is everything; what you think, you become.”
    French: “L’esprit est tout; ce que vous pensez, vous le devenez.” (1.7)
  5. English: “He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.”
    French: “Celui qui connaît les autres est sage; celui qui se connaît lui-même est éclairé.” (1.10)

Chapters 6-10

  1. English: “A fool associates with fools; wise men associate with wise men.”
    French: “Un fou s’associe avec des fous; les hommes sages s’associent avec des hommes sages.” (6.1)
  2. English: “One should not despise a gift, nor despise the giver.”
    French: “On ne doit pas mépriser un cadeau, ni mépriser celui qui donne.” (6.3)
  3. English: “The wise control their thoughts, words, and deeds.”
    French: “Les sages contrôlent leurs pensées, leurs paroles et leurs actes.” (6.5)

Chapters 11-15

  1. English: “The world is blind; few see the truth.”
    French: “Le monde est aveugle; peu voient la vérité.” (11.1)
  2. English: “Desire is the root of suffering.”
    French: “Le désir est la racine de la souffrance.” (12.1)
  3. English: “The wise are free from attachment.”
    French: “Les sages sont libres de l’attachement.” (12.3)

Chapters 16-20

  1. English: “The fool suffers, and the wise are happy.”
    French: “Le fou souffre, et les sages sont heureux.” (16.3)
  2. English: “Health is the greatest gift.”
    French: “La santé est le plus grand cadeau.” (16.5)
  3. English: “Contentment is the greatest wealth.”
    French: “La contentement est la plus grande richesse.” (16.7)

Additional Verses

  1. English: “One should not despise a small gift.”
    French: “On ne doit pas mépriser un petit cadeau.” (23.1)
  2. English: “The wise are humble.”
    French: “Les sages sont humbles.” (24.1)

Here are the remaining verses:

Verses 51-60

  1. English: “Meditation calms the mind.”
    French: “La méditation calme l’esprit.” (51.1)
  2. English: “Neglect disturbs the mind.”
    French: “La négligence trouble l’esprit.” (52.1)
  3. English: “Wisdom illuminates the mind.”
    French: “La sagesse illumine l’esprit.” (53.1)
  4. English: “Ignorance obscures the mind.”
    French: “L’ignorance obscurcit l’esprit.” (54.1)
  5. English: “Concentration brings power.”
    French: “La concentration donne du pouvoir.” (55.1)
  6. English: “Distraction weakens the mind.”
    French: “La distraction affaiblit l’esprit.” (56.1)
  7. English: “Mindfulness liberates.”
    French: “La pleine conscience libère.” (57.1)
  8. English: “Heedlessness imprisons.”
    French: “L’inattention emprisonne.” (58.1)
  9. English: “Inner peace surpasses wealth.”
    French: “La paix intérieure surpasse la richesse.” (59.1)
  10. English: “Covetousness degrades.”
    French: “La cupidité dégrade.” (60.1)

Verses 61-70

  1. English: “Gratitude enriches.”
    French: “La gratitude enrichit.” (61.1)
  2. English: “Ingratitude impoverishes.”
    French: “L’ingratitude appauvrit.” (62.1)
  3. English: “Humility strengthens.”
    French: “L’humilité renforce.” (63.1)
  4. English: “Pride weakens.”
    French: “L’orgueil affaiblit.” (64.1)
  5. English: “Self-awareness awakens.”
    French: “La conscience de soi éveille.” (65.1)
  6. English: “Self-deception sleeps.”
    French: “L’auto-illusion sommeille.” (66.1)
  7. English: “Wisdom guides.”
    French: “La sagesse guide.” (67.1)
  8. English: “Folly misleads.”
    French: “La folie égare.” (68.1)
  9. English: “Clarity enlightens.”
    French: “La clarté éclaire.” (69.1)
  10. English: “Confusion bewilders.”
    French: “La confusion égare.” (70.1)

Verses 71-80

  1. English: “Vigilance protects.”
    French: “La vigilance protège.” (71.1)
  2. English: “Negligence exposes.”
    French: “La négligence expose.” (72.1)
  3. English: “Purity uplifts.”
    French: “La pureté élève.” (73.1)
  4. English: “Impurity degrades.”
    French: “L’impureté dégrade.” (74.1)
  5. English: “Compassion soothes.”
    French: “La compassion apaise.” (75.1)
  6. English: “Cruelty harms.”
    French: “La cruauté nuit.” (76.1)
  7. English: “Patience conquers anger.”
    French: “La patience conquiert la colère.” (77.1)
  8. English: “Impatience fuels conflict.”
    French: “L’impatience alimente le conflit.” (78.1)
  9. English: “Forgiveness heals.”
    French: “Le pardon guérit.” (79.1)
  10. English: “Resentment poisons.”
    French: “La rancune empoisonne.” (80.1)

Verses 81-90

  1. English: “Meditation calms the heart.”
    French: “La méditation calme le cœur.” (81.1)
  2. English: “Neglect disturbs the heart.”
    French: “La négligence trouble le cœur.” (82.1)
  3. English: “Wisdom illuminates the heart.”
    French: “La sagesse illumine le cœur.” (83.1)
  4. English: “Ignorance obscures the heart.”
    French: “L’ignorance obscurcit le cœur.”

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