Art is the mirror of society – Maryse Condé

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Maryse Condé, born on February 4, 1937, in Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, is a French writer and academic recognized for her novels that explore the identity, culture, and history of the Caribbean. She spent part of her life living abroad, notably in France, the United States, and Africa, which enriched her writing. Condé has received numerous literary awards, including the Boccace Prize and the Caribbean Carbet Prize. Her most famous work, “Ségou,” revisits the history of Africa from a unique perspective.


Maryse Condé’s insights into art and culture are profound, often encapsulating her worldview in memorable quotes. For instance, she once said, “L’art est un moyen de résister à l’oppression,” which translates to “Art is a means of resisting oppression.” This powerful statement highlights her belief in the transformative power of art within society.

Additionally, she remarked, “Les mots sont mes armes,” meaning “Words are my weapons,” underscoring her view that literature serves as a tool for advocacy and change. Another notable quote reflects her perspective on identity: “Nous sommes la somme de nos histoires,” or “We are the sum of our stories,” emphasizing the importance of personal and collective narratives in shaping who we are.

Condé’s most celebrated novel, “Ségou,” intricately weaves a narrative that spans generations and continents, delving into the complex tapestry of African history and its diaspora. The story is set in the 18th and 19th centuries in the regions of West Africa and modern-day Mali, specifically centered around the fictional town of Ségou. The novel follows two families, the Traorés and the Coulibalys, whose lives are intertwined against a backdrop of cultural richness and tumultuous social change. Through the eyes of her characters, Condé examines the impacts of colonialism, the slave trade, and the struggle for identity in the face of external domination. The resilience of her characters illustrates the strength found in their heritage and the importance of remembering their roots amidst adversity. As readers journey through Ségou, they encounter themes of love, betrayal, and the enduring quest for freedom, all of which resonate deeply in today’s society. Condé’s vivid storytelling and historical depth invite readers to reflect on the past and its influence on contemporary identities, making “Ségou” not just a historical novel but a vital commentary on the lasting effects of history on modern lives. The rich, lyrical prose enhances the emotional landscape of the novel, allowing readers to engage with the characters’ struggles and triumphs on a personal level.

And here are 20 wisdom sayings from Suriname, showcasing the country’s cultural richness:

1. “De weg naar de waarheid is niet recht.” (The path to truth is not straight.)
2. “Wie niet waagt, die niet wint.” (He who does not dare does not win.)
3. “Geduld is een schone zaak.” (Patience is a virtue.)
4. “Een goed begin is het halve werk.” (A good start is half the work.)
5. “Wie in de lucht leeft, valt in de lucht.” (He who lives in the air falls in the air.)
6. “De een zijn dood is de ander zijn brood.” (One’s death is another’s bread.)
7. “Beter één vogel in de hand dan tien in de lucht.” (Better one bird in the hand than ten in the air.)
8. “Als de ezel zich niet aan het laatste struikelblok houdt, dan komt hij goed thuis.” (If the donkey doesn’t stumble over the last obstacle, he gets home safely.)
9. “Een huis zonder boeken is als een lichaam zonder ziel.” (A house without books is like a body without a soul.)
10. “Wie zwijgt, stemt toe.” (He who is silent agrees.)
11. “Je kunt de mug niet op de rug van de olifant zetten.” (You can’t put the mosquito on the elephant’s back.)
12. “De eerlijke man haalt de leugen niet in.” (The honest man does not catch the liar.)
13. “Geld kan geen geluk kopen.” (Money cannot buy happiness.)
14. “Als je geen vijand hebt, moet je er een maken.” (If you don’t have an enemy, you must make one.)
15. “Hoor het verhaal van de anderen voordat je je oordeel velt.” (Hear the story of others before you form your judgment.)
16. “De tijd heelt alle wonden.” (Time heals all wounds.)
17. “Men kan beter rijdend zijn dan dronken.” (It’s better to be riding than drunk.)
18. “Kennis is kracht.” (Knowledge is power.)
19. “Wie de tijd neemt om te kijken, ziet meer.” (He who takes the time to look sees more.)
20. “In de eenvoud ligt de schoonheid.” (In simplicity lies beauty.)

Suriname is a country rich in cultural diversity, which is also reflected in its linguistic landscape. The official language is Dutch, a remnant of colonial times, but it is far from the only language spoken. Sranan Tongo, a creole language, serves as a lingua franca among many ethnic groups, incorporating vocabulary from English, Dutch, and various African languages. This linguistic blend embodies the country’s multicultural identity and facilitates communication across different communities. In addition to Sranan Tongo, there are several indigenous languages, including Arawak and Carib, which carry deep cultural significance for the indigenous peoples of the region. Furthermore, Hindi and Javanese are spoken among the descendants of indentured laborers who arrived during the colonial era, showcasing the lasting impact of migration on Suriname’s demographics. The vibrant mosaic of languages in Suriname not only highlights the depth of its cultural heritage but also serves as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of its people. As each community preserves its unique linguistic traditions, they collectively contribute to the nation’s identity, reinforcing the idea that language is a vital instrument of culture and community. In this linguistic diversity, Suriname illustrates how language, much like art, embodies the stories and experiences of its people, enriching their social fabric while fostering a sense of belonging.

Good Vibes, Good Life

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