Diamonds from the Nassau Mountains, Suriname

Taylor EmmaBusinessTabletsDiscoverPortable2 months ago283 Views

Diamonds have been found in Suriname since the late 19th century, primarily in alluvial deposits in the Marowijne greenstone belt in the Guiana Shield:

  • Location: The diamonds are found in the Paramaka Creek area of the Nassau Mountains, a horseshoe-shaped range in northeastern Suriname.
  • Characteristics: The diamonds are primarily type IaAB, with nitrogen as both A and B aggregates. They have a variety of colors, including colorless, brown, and slightly greenish, and some have green or brown irradiation spots.
  • Mineral inclusions: The diamonds contain mineral inclusions of forsterite and enstatite, which indicate a peridotitic paragenesis.
  • Surface features: The diamonds show evidence of late-stage resorption, which occurred during their transport to the earth’s surface.
  • Luminescence: Most samples display blue and/or green luminescence.
  • Growth patterns: The diamonds have concentric growth patterns. 

The Marowijne greenstone belt is part of a 1,500-km-long granite-greenstone terrane that extends from Venezuela to Brazil. It formed about 2,180–1,950 million years ago when the Amazonian and West African cratons collided

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